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European consumer policy functions as
an association between the European Union (EU ) , their countries
members and citizens. It is based on two principles
fundamental TFEU of the European Union :

- The European Union must undertake a number of specific measures to protect the health, safety, economic interests of consumers promoting their right to information and education actions.

- Defining and implementing other policies and actions of the EU demands consumer protection should be considered.

The politics of EU consumers are  periodically updated to take into account social, economic and environmental changes , also
scientific advances . The legislation provides a minimum level of protection.

The EU works with countries to ensure that the legislation is met and properly applied .

If an EU country detects products posing a serious risk to the health and safety of consumers must notify the European Commission

through the rapid alert system of the EU ( RAPEX) . This allows the information is transmitted quickly at European level and that the necessary measures are taken.

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